Battle of Chernogorsk-1936 (Day 1)

Wednesday 27th May 20207:00PM BST
7:00PM BST
Event Countdown

(To see Briefing go under the dotted line)
During a 19 year period of the Soviet Union waging wars within its sphere of influence, to either eradicate what remained of royalist supporters or to secure its borders the Soviets turned their eyes to its small satellite state of chernarus.
For nearly 500 years the small country ran more or less independently pledging allegiance with the most powerful neighbours for added protection.
However its largely unchecked autonomy became a growing concern for the Soviets and on April 23rd 1936 Soviet forces under command of Lieutenant general Yemiel Karkov invaded Chernarus.
The Russians entered Chernarus from the Lake Beloe and made their way south to the capital facing little resistance.
Chernarus had little in terms of a military, with a small navy for mercantile escorts
And a small yet very Professional ground force however they could only field a division's worth of men, and it was based in the far east of the country in the province of chernogorsk.
The Chernos plan of action was to let the terrain do most of the work.
The province was sealed away, the north and east rivers forced the Russians to enter from the NW, where they would be funnelled into the Grozovoy pass on April 30th and into the large open plains region. That was the plan, the Chernos laid and waited in entrenched and bunkered positions in the east and south on the “borderline” between the woodlands and the plains. Once the Russians got to woodland they hit the Cherno lines like a brick wall.
After days of fruitless attacks the Russians began to dig in and wait out the cherno forces, who since the 5th were taking civilians through a crash course on warfare to get their numbers up. They went from just 1500 men to around 4000 including officers and support roles.
It is now may 27th the soviets have lost their momentum and are digging in and the chernos are ready to make their first push. The southern forces will push north from Kirkenes to seize the Dyrevern Step. an elevated position that overlooks the southern part of the plains region, with this under Chero control these guns will wreak havoc on the Russians encamped in the towns nearby.
You are one of the 3 companies left of the old Guards Regiment, a historic and very elite rifle regiment, you are attached to the southern assault group and will be the spearhead of the charge. This is mainly for moral purposes for the conscripts.
-Move from your camp to Kirkenes and talk to a Major Ukchev he will fill you in on the nitty gritty of your assault plans.
-Once you get a full brief begin the attack on the Dyrevern Step, the assaulting forces will follow behind.
-Once there hold the area from counter attack and wait for further orders
SR radios are for squad leaders only
ACE fortify is on. You have 10000 credits, but only use them on objective where i have specified you can use them.
It would be nice if the command squad was separate from the other squads since i will need then to be alive. Its not a necessity but itd be nice if you did
During a 19 year period of the Soviet Union waging wars within its sphere of influence, to either eradicate what remained of royalist supporters or to secure its borders the Soviets turned their eyes to its small satellite state of chernarus.
For nearly 500 years the small country ran more or less independently pledging allegiance with the most powerful neighbours for added protection.
However its largely unchecked autonomy became a growing concern for the Soviets and on April 23rd 1936 Soviet forces under command of Lieutenant general Yemiel Karkov invaded Chernarus.
The Russians entered Chernarus from the Lake Beloe and made their way south to the capital facing little resistance.
Chernarus had little in terms of a military, with a small navy for mercantile escorts
And a small yet very Professional ground force however they could only field a division's worth of men, and it was based in the far east of the country in the province of chernogorsk.
The Chernos plan of action was to let the terrain do most of the work.
The province was sealed away, the north and east rivers forced the Russians to enter from the NW, where they would be funnelled into the Grozovoy pass on April 30th and into the large open plains region. That was the plan, the Chernos laid and waited in entrenched and bunkered positions in the east and south on the “borderline” between the woodlands and the plains. Once the Russians got to woodland they hit the Cherno lines like a brick wall.
After days of fruitless attacks the Russians began to dig in and wait out the cherno forces, who since the 5th were taking civilians through a crash course on warfare to get their numbers up. They went from just 1500 men to around 4000 including officers and support roles.
It is now may 27th the soviets have lost their momentum and are digging in and the chernos are ready to make their first push. The southern forces will push north from Kirkenes to seize the Dyrevern Step. an elevated position that overlooks the southern part of the plains region, with this under Chero control these guns will wreak havoc on the Russians encamped in the towns nearby.
You are one of the 3 companies left of the old Guards Regiment, a historic and very elite rifle regiment, you are attached to the southern assault group and will be the spearhead of the charge. This is mainly for moral purposes for the conscripts.
-Move from your camp to Kirkenes and talk to a Major Ukchev he will fill you in on the nitty gritty of your assault plans.
-Once you get a full brief begin the attack on the Dyrevern Step, the assaulting forces will follow behind.
-Once there hold the area from counter attack and wait for further orders
SR radios are for squad leaders only
ACE fortify is on. You have 10000 credits, but only use them on objective where i have specified you can use them.
It would be nice if the command squad was separate from the other squads since i will need then to be alive. Its not a necessity but itd be nice if you did
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