Operation Silent Whispers by Dat.Boi.Yeet

Monday 24th August 2020
7:00PM BST
7:00PM BST

Event Countdown
Modset / Map
Standard (CDLC non-owner)
Apex DLC Required
The Tanoan elections being soon. Its seems the old government isn't going to be put back in office.

not with out a little push.

we know already they are not a strong supporter of the GADA facilities within there borders. but the syndikat party that's running, is not to be pushed around. we at the J-1 feel like the old party will work better in the grand scheme of things.

you mission is to insert into syndicate territory, and kill there running leader. this, along with some other political trickery, should keep the old party in power.

at least until the next election

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