Operation Shah-shah a go-go by Graf von Scyth

Graf von Scyth
Wednesday 24th February 2021
7:00PM GMT
7:00PM GMT

Event Countdown
Modset / Map
Standard (CDLC non-owner)
Lythium ,FFAA
What a sight so plain to see
I know what fate doth await
The dawning of a time of darkness
Grievance, fire and hate.

The time of idle watching
Is long overdue
I hark and hear the ancient voice
And know what I must do

Morning prayer comes, and the Iranian Special forces Bijar group prepares for the day ahead. At 10, the commander spots a man approaching their base with a white flag. He is wearing some of the new Iranian Hex camouflage, so new it's not even been issued to you and your special forces yet. Allah damn him.

The year is 2022. The day previously, the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi and his subordinates staged a coup in the Iranian government, deposed the theocracy and reinstated the Kingdom of Iran. You and your special forces unit are out near the border away from Tehran and the first you hear about the coup is when a battalion of soldiers from the new regime turn up and demand your surrender. These men stand in the way of the will of Allah, you will not surrender and you will fight back.
Part of the boogalooverse.

1) Your enemies will be wearing Hex camo, but it's the light fatigues. I figured it'd be mean to give you the full CSAT armoured uniforms
2) You will be provided with one ZU-23mm, look after it.

1) Hold out as long as you can against the onslaught of treacherous infidels.

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