Blood On The Fields by The Pink Panther

Saturday 27th March 20217:00PM GMT
7:00PM GMT
Event Countdown

Late last night the 101st airborne dropped behind our lines and attacked Rogne flypass, the cocky bastards even landed one of their gliders directly on the runway. They proceeded to wreak havoc destroying our planes, AAA defences and the main fuel silos. Not only did they savage the bases garrison, they eliminated a large part of a nearby QRF too. While Rogne is still out of action and we are still awaiting new planes from the south, we need to strike back. We can't let the 101st escape scot free, they must pay for their deeds. In their haste to escape, the paratroopers tracked a King Tiger. Those silly Americans forgot to destroy it, maybe it will come back to bite them.
- Witness the carnage of the previous night
- Eliminate the remenants of the 101st attack party
- Stop the American advance to linkup with their paratroopers
- (Optional) Repair the tracked King Tiger, there should be a spare track lying around somewhere.
- Its WW2 so no personal radios or GPS
- There is custom music (apologies to anyone streaming)
- This is a continuation from Blood On The Risers, this time from the German's perspective
- Spawns are scattered around the airfield, feel free to explore the carnage you caused last mission.
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