The Hanoi Hilton by The Pink Panther

Wednesday 5th May 20217:00PM BST
7:00PM BST
Event Countdown

The NVA have stepped up their efforts in the South. Moving along the Ho Chi Minh trail, the NVA smuggles troops and supplies south while smuggling captured GIs north. Inevitably some of these GIs end up at the Hanoi Hilton, our little nickname for the POW camp slap bang in the middle of Hanoi. While we can't assault Hanoi and rescue those already housed at the Hilton, we can try and stop them being smuggled there in the first place. Sadly though we have another important matter to attend to, helping the ARVN keep the civilian population on side.
Intel suggests the NVA have a large number of holding camps situated close to our airbases. Fuckers swoop in and capture any airman who eject close to base. They hold them there until a NVA river boat can smuggle them out during the night. This whole operation takes an immense amount of logistical planning, the officers capable of doing this are something the NVA are in short supply of.
The NVA have stepped up their efforts in the South. Moving along the Ho Chi Minh trail, the NVA smuggles troops and supplies south while smuggling captured GIs north. Inevitably some of these GIs end up at the Hanoi Hilton, our little nickname for the POW camp slap bang in the middle of Hanoi. While we can't assault Hanoi and rescue those already housed at the Hilton, we can try and stop them being smuggled there in the first place. Sadly though we have another important matter to attend to, helping the ARVN keep the civilian population on side.
Intel suggests the NVA have a large number of holding camps situated close to our airbases. Fuckers swoop in and capture any airman who eject close to base. They hold them there until a NVA river boat can smuggle them out during the night. This whole operation takes an immense amount of logistical planning, the officers capable of doing this are something the NVA are in short supply of.
- Help the ARVN by ambushing an NVA reinforcement convoy headed for a nearby town.
- Locate an NVA holding camp and rescue any prisoners situated there.
- Find and assasinate the NVA Colonel in charge of running the trails logistics.
- its Nam so no personal radios / GPS
- There is custom music (apologies to anyone streaming)
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