Presumably Operation Red Castle

Saturday 5th June 20217:00PM BST
7:00PM BST
Event Countdown

(so if you take a slot with a rifle, don't take anything else other than a rifle)
You have managed push the Nazi bastards into Poland.
Winter came, but that cannot stop us from driving them all back to hell!
The enemy have garrisoned the Castle of Szydlow, your Primary objective is to take it and hold it until the rest of the front line catches up.
Luckily for us, the enemy decided to make a push for the town of Kurozweki, and has set up an rocket artillery position just outside of it.
This means if you can deal with the enemies in Kurozweki, taking the Castle should be a lot easier.
Your objectives:
(so if you take a slot with a rifle, don't take anything else other than a rifle)
You have managed push the Nazi bastards into Poland.
Winter came, but that cannot stop us from driving them all back to hell!
The enemy have garrisoned the Castle of Szydlow, your Primary objective is to take it and hold it until the rest of the front line catches up.
Luckily for us, the enemy decided to make a push for the town of Kurozweki, and has set up an rocket artillery position just outside of it.
This means if you can deal with the enemies in Kurozweki, taking the Castle should be a lot easier.
Your objectives:
- Liberate the town of Kurozweki
- Destroy the Rocket artillery
- Take the Castle of Szydlow
- Defend the Castle from any possible counterattack
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