Operation Not Red Castle by TESLA

Saturday 15th May 2021
7:00PM BST
7:00PM BST

Event Countdown
Modset / Map
Standard (CDLC non-owner)
Fapovo v1.9
North Fapovo's government was taken over by the local Anti-Russian militia.
They threaten to deploy chemical weapons against the southern legion of the island, which is part of the Russian Federation, if the local forces do not withdraw from the whole island and hand over the southern territories.

You are an Elite Spetsnaz Team ordered to put an end to the threat of a terror attack against Russian territories.

We have intercepted intel that an important officer of the militia is in command of the main border crossing. Capture him, find out where the chemical weapons are, you will take a helicopter ride there, and destroy the chemical weapons.

Your objectives:
  • Attack the Main Border Crossing
  • Capture and interrogate the Commanding officer
  • Assault the facility where the Chemical Weapons are
  • Destroy the Chemical Weapons

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