Biting The Hand That Feeds by Gravity

Saturday 5th March 2022
7:00PM GMT
7:00PM GMT

Event Countdown
Modset / Map
Standard (CDLC non-owner)
Lythium ,FFAA
Having successfully transported through the tribals territory we are now in a posistion to strike at them - and deal some blows to the americans at the same time!

having noticed our agression to these tribals the americans have sent advisory troops to "train" and "assist" them. this matters little to us, simply being more bodies to pile. The majority of these troops are in the airfield, where the americans are keeping an extremely well supplied airforce of armed helicopters, expect plenty of air to fight.

you will have the recon team this operation. they will be deployed elsewhere, recovering advanced armour lost by our conventional forces before the tribals can deploy them against us and using them to assist on the airfield assault.



OBJ1: Clear the town to prevent reinforcements from the rear, the town is heavily occupied by more militaristic tribals, expect more hardpoints and less scattered infantry.

OBJ2: Push through the second town, you are under no obligation to clear this town but it is occupied. Again they are more militarist, hardpoints are to be expected. reccomended route has been marked on map to avoid unfavourable areas

OBJ3: fight your way through the city towards the airbase, expect serious resistance from both tribal and american forces.


OBJ1: Move along the riverbed and assault the town where the stolen tanks are being held. Our records tell us there are FOUR stolen tanks. (all are T72s)

OBJ2: move to the crossroads with the tanks and prepare an ambush for an armoured convoy


Attack the airfield. knocking out as many helicopters as possible. do not assault it without the support of the other team.


hopefully this goes well, there might be issues with timing but i will do my best to resolve it at the time. recon team is NOT fixed but please ensure you know what you're doing if you take the slot or you will have a bad time of it.

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