Operation Tracklight by Toxic

Saturday 6th May 2023
7:00PM BST
7:00PM BST

Event Countdown
Modset / Map
Horror (CDLC non-owner)
Apex DLC Required
Investigate the disappearance of a missing fleet of 3 helicopters and the artefact one of them was carrying.

"Good evening Delta operators. This morning, a group of 3 helicopters of the CDC crashed into the Tanoan capital of Georgetown. Due to the hostile nature of the Tanoan government, we haven't been able to get direct access to the crash sites via diplomacy , hence your covert involvement. What we do know is that civilians have started to congregate around the sites and the Tanoan army has been called in to both quieten them and search the wrecks for data.

Infiltrate the capital and recover the pilots (or their dog tags if they are dead). In addition, a VIP was travelling in the UH-60 (Blackhawk) of the group. He was in possession of a strategically important item that cannot fall into the hands of the Tanoans. This item is a mug-sized, gold cube, ensure you also recover it from the crashsite. Once you have recovered the item and the crew, call for extraction.

You are cleared to fire on any Tanoan army forces if they fired upon you first. Civilians are to be encouraged to leave the area but not killed unless they pose a threat to you.

Good hunting."

1) Infiltrate Georgetown and secure the pilots (if they are alive) or their dogtags (if they are dead).
2) Retrieve the gold cube (described above).
3) Call for extraction.
  • Zeus
Alpha Team
  • Element Leader
    Kosuu (Polish Teacher)
  • 5: SARC Medic
  • 4: Mechanic
  • 2: Operator
  • 3: Operator (Breacher)
Bravo Team
  • Element Leader
    Dr House MD
  • 5: SARC Medic
  • 4: Mechanic
  • 2: Operator
  • 3: Operator (Breacher)
    Graf von Scyth
Charlie Team
  • Element Leader
  • 5: SARC Medic
  • 4: Mechanic
  • 2: Operator
  • 3: Operator (Breacher)
Delta Team
  • Element Leader
  • 5: SARC Medic
  • 4: Mechanic
  • 2: Operator
  • 3: Operator (Breacher)
Echo Team
  • Element Leader
  • 5: SARC Medic
  • 4: Mechanic
  • 2: Operator
  • 3: Operator (Breacher)
Foxtrot Team
  • Element Leader
  • 5: SARC Medic
  • 4: Mechanic
  • 2: Operator
  • 3: Operator (Breacher)

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