(WW2) Operation Early Birds by Limey

Saturday 22nd February 2020
7:00PM GMT
7:00PM GMT

Event Countdown
Modset / Map
NF Svartmarka
Good morning, Nutters.

Or, at least you thought it would be a good morning. Not only is it cold in the finnish fall but you wake up to the alarms going off as the ground shakes and the defeaning whistling of bombs right before they hit the ground outside your barracks. Your officers are running around, yelling at you to get up and grab your gear. You aren't told much but you catch up on the paniced words "Man the defensive line! Quickly!"

  • Man the defensive line by the airfield.
  • Wait for the AA to take out the air threat.
  • Be prepared to move and defend against the german parachuters.
A couple armed and unarmed kubbelwagens.
Enough bikes for the entire division.
A brand spankin' new Sherman Firefly tank. You only get one. Use it well.

You will have to download a seperate modpack that isn't our regular one. The link is here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1404276291
We recommend you download it as soon as you can.

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