Operation Desert Splinter by Vex

Wednesday 29th May 20247:00PM BST
7:00PM BST
Event Countdown
Loyalist Government forces still occupy Farabad, a major city and strategic location for future offensives. Civillians still inhabit the area, and so serious ROEs are in effect. Do not fire until fired upon, do not strike targets with explosives without proper PID, and report all incidents of non-combatant casualties (NCC) to command.
Your objective is to advance and secure key locations in the city, driving out the enemy and providing a safe route for BLUFOR convoy vehicles to enter the city and establish an HQ.
IEDs and other non-conventional methods of warfare are in play, and as such Engineers should work to disarm any such devices or weapons in the first instance.
Close Air Support Asset: Greyhound 2-1
An AW159 Wildcat (Callsign Greyhound 2-1) is available for tasking, equipped with Hellfire missiles. The Wildcat crew MUST NOT engage any target without clearance, targeting and BDA from the Forward Air Controller attached to Alpha
The Forward Air Controller must provide the following information in the tasking order for the CAS helo:
Do not take the FAC or Helo Crew roles unless you are going to take communication and the ROE seriously.
Your objective is to advance and secure key locations in the city, driving out the enemy and providing a safe route for BLUFOR convoy vehicles to enter the city and establish an HQ.
IEDs and other non-conventional methods of warfare are in play, and as such Engineers should work to disarm any such devices or weapons in the first instance.
Close Air Support Asset: Greyhound 2-1
An AW159 Wildcat (Callsign Greyhound 2-1) is available for tasking, equipped with Hellfire missiles. The Wildcat crew MUST NOT engage any target without clearance, targeting and BDA from the Forward Air Controller attached to Alpha
The Forward Air Controller must provide the following information in the tasking order for the CAS helo:
- Location, Elevation and Description of the target
- Location of Friendlies or Non-Combatants from the target
- Any additional rules of engagement
Do not take the FAC or Helo Crew roles unless you are going to take communication and the ROE seriously.
Greyhound 1-1
- Helicopter Pilot
- Helicopter Crew
- Section Commander
- Combat Medic
- Rifleman
- Rifleman
- Fire Team Leader
- Section Commander
- Combat Medic
- Forward Air Controller
- Rifleman
Graf von Scyth
- Rifleman
- Section Commander
- Engineer
Kosuu (Polish Teacher)
- Combat Medic
- MG Minimi
Dr House MD
- Keystone
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